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Veth v.d. Spree

Veth v.d. Spree

 Registered Name:
Veth v.d. Spree
 Sire: Basko v. Raschenhof
 Dam: Astrid v.d. Läubergen
 Working Titles: SchH1
 Sex: male
 Date of Birth:
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Germany
 Land of Standing:
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles: DDR sg. 1963
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
DZ 73600

Veth v.d. Spree
Basko v. RaschenhofNero v.d. Heimat

Hasso v.d. Neckarstrasse
Blondi v.d. Heimat
Anka v. Waldstern

Hasso v.d. Neckarstrasse
Affra v.d. Teckenburg
Astrid v.d. Läubergen

Arno v. Raffturm
Garant v. Hühnerhof
Dolly v.d. Nymphenburg
Chami v. HasestrandAlf v. Gabelbach
Afra v. Schenkenhof