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Antje v.d. Wortherseerose

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 Registered Name:
Antje v.d. Wortherseerose
 Breeder: Wilhelm Wetzel
 Sire: Veth v.d. Spree
 Dam: Cilly v.d. Fischermühle
 Working Titles:
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth: 5 JUL 1963
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Germany
 Land of Standing: Germany
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles: DDR Sg. 1963
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
DZ 80380
Assi v.d. Wortherseerose
Antje v.d. Wortherseerose

Veth v.d. Spree
Basko v. RaschenhofNero v.d. Heimat
Anka v. Waldstern
Astrid v.d. Läubergen

Arno v. Raffturm
Chami v. Hasestrand
Cilly v.d. Fischermühle

Dux v. Sattelhof

Sally v.d. Schanzenhöhe
Anni v.d. Brundiekshöhe
Alice v. Seebnerbusch     Add Dog...
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