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Ariane v.d. Wolfshöhe

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 Registered Name:
Ariane v.d. Wolfshöhe
 Sire: Ger v. Zenn
 Dam: Tamara v. Franckenhorst
 Working Titles:
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth: 22 JUL 1983
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Germany
 Land of Standing:
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
DZB 95380
Bryan v.d. Wolfshöhe
Ariane v.d. WolfshöheGer v. Zenn

Jago v. Beelen

Chico v. Forell
Dascha v. Forell
Elke v. Pfalzer Waldheim

Vello v. Fürstenfeld
Biene v. Stollburg
Tamara v. FranckenhorstPhaellas v. Franckenhorst

Bryan v. Forell

Comtesse Charmaine v. Franckenhorst
Medina dei Piani di Praglia

Ingo v. Forell

Della v. Franckenhorst