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Pyro v.d. Burgstätte

Pyro v.d. Burgstätte

 Registered Name:
Pyro v.d. Burgstätte
 Breeder: Marco Cameli
 Owner: Catherine Lewis
 Kennel: v.d. Burgstaette
 Sire: Briskas Arcon
 Dam: Ehnoa v.d. Burgstätte
 Working Titles: BH, IPO 3
 Sex: male
 Date of Birth: 11 JUL 2012
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Germany
 Land of Standing: USA
 Size: 69 cm (27.17 inch)
 Weight: 37 kg (81.57 pound)
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests: HD-A
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
DZB 126908

Pyro v.d. Burgstätte

Briskas Arcon

Asco v.d. Burgstätte

Alfred v.d. Urftquelle

Brista v.d. Doberwache

Briskas Winnie

Erik v. Strundertal

Biene v.d. Doberwache

Ehnoa v.d. Burgstätte

Chico v.d. Doberwache

Gero v.d. Mooreiche

Kleo v.d. Weyermühle

Carla v.d. Burgstätte

Curd v.d. Urftquelle

Brista v.d. Doberwache