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Chaquen Nonchalant

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 Registered Name:
Chaquen Nonchalant
 Sire: Ebonaire's Bravo
 Dam: Carmenita Stormalure
 Working Titles:
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth: 9 AUG 1962
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Australia
 Land of Standing:
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
ANKC V14-62/1
Chaquen Chevalier
Chaquen NonchalantEbonaire's Bravo

Steb's Top Skipper

Dortmund Delly's Colonel Jet
Damasyn The Eastern Bonnet
Ebonaire's En Garde

Steb's Top Skipper
Ebonaire's Flashing Star
Carmenita StormalureTavey's Stormy Accolade

Rancho Dobe's Storm
Rustic Adagio
Carmenita DobguardRegent of Tavey
Lyric of Tavey