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Apollo v. Romerkastell

Apollo v. Romerkastell

 Registered Name:
Apollo v. Romerkastell
 Breeder: Mathias Timur
 Owner: Alessandro Bolognesi
 Sire: Asco v.d. Burgstätte
 Dam: Gia v.d. Scheltheide
 Working Titles: IPO3, VPG2
 Sex: male
 Date of Birth: 30 MAR 2005
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Germany
 Land of Standing: Italy
 Size: 69 cm (27.17 inch)
 Weight: 40 kg (88.18 pound)
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests: HD-A
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
DZB 120613
ZTP SG 1A, # Export Tschechische Rep. > CMKU DB 8737-07/05 # Export Italien > LOI 1050941

Apollo v. Romerkastell

Asco v.d. Burgstätte

Alfred v.d. Urftquelle

Mannix v.d. Weyermühle

Ohra v.d. Weyermühle

Brista v.d. Doberwache

Gero v.d. Mooreiche

Kleo v.d. Weyermühle

Gia v.d. Scheltheide

Chakko v.d. Scheltheide

Ningicosan v.d. Weyermühle

Luziene v. Heidhauser Forst

Daria v.d. Scheltheide
Murphy von Hagenstern

Zarah v. Trajan