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Berta de Covalta

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 Registered Name:
Berta de Covalta
 Sire: Graaf Quinto v. Neerlands Stam (NHSB 1550588)
 Dam: Atenea de Covalta
 Working Titles:
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth:
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Spain
 Land of Standing:
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
LOE 377182
Berta de Covalta

Graaf Quinto v. Neerlands Stam (NHSB 1550588)

Hertog Alpha v. Le Dobry

Don Dayan v. Franckenhorst

Tanja v.d. Kunnemaborgh

Dea Dolores v. Franckenhorst

Arrow v. Harros Berg

Vivre Vivien v. Franckenhorst

Atenea de Covalta

Graaf Igon v. Neerlands Stam

Graaf Aristo v. Neerlands Stam
Gravin Aranka v. Neerlands Stam

Nani de Covalta
Manix de Los Valientes
Tosca de Covalta