ZTP V1A, ADPr, NKK 2670/73,
2x stomach torsion
Source: In the beginning... A history of the Dobermann by J.M. v.d. Zwan
“This black male came from Norway to Germany at the age of five. He was a very elegant male, with a compact build.
Mr Schellmann a Dobermann judge and breeder wrote of him: “a well-built Dobermann, his back is firm but his croup could be better. His head is very good but could do with a stronger under-jaw, dark eyes and good dark markings. The fore and hindquarters are correct and his movement is O.K.".
Guys Hilo became a German, Norwegian, Swedish and International Champion. In 1977 he won the Bundessieger title. He passed his Schutzhund III. This male was the most influential dog in Europe during the years 1977-1980. His progeny was of excellent quality and included many championsâ€.