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Inka v. Edertal

Inka v. Edertal

 Registered Name:
Inka v. Edertal
 Breeder: Alexander Ganz
 Owner: Ulrike Baehrle
 Kennel: v. Edertal
 Sire: Mad Max v. Gaxhardter Wald
 Dam: Alis Bernden Ero
 Working Titles: VPG 3, IPO 3, AD
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth: 26 APR 2001
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Germany
 Land of Standing: Germany
 Size: 66 cm (25.98 inch)
 Weight: 32 kg (70.55 pound)
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests: HD-A
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
DZB 117758

Inka v. Edertal

Mad Max v. Gaxhardter Wald

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