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Jotunheim's Brattah

Jotunheim's Brattah

 Registered Name:
Jotunheim's Brattah
 Breeder: Bitten Jonsson
 Owner: Martin Pabst
 Sire: Jotunheim's Ivar
 Dam: Jotunheim's Hildico
 Working Titles: VPG 3, IPO 3
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth: 23 JUL 1997
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Denmark
 Land of Standing: Germany
 Size: 64 cm (25.2 inch)
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests: HD-A
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
DZB 115621
ZTP sg1B

Jotunheim's Brattah

Jotunheim's Ivar

Gero v.d. Weyermühle

Boris v.d. Weyermühle

Anouk v.d. Weyermühle

Cila v. Fürstenfeld
Timo v. Schwarzen Blitz
Ulla v. Fürstenfeld

Jotunheim's Hildico

Ilo v.d. Weyermühle

Amor v.d. Weyermühle

Gina v.d. Weyermühle

Erika v. Borner See

Nicolai v. Kloster-Kamp
Mona v. Killmannshof