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Frederica Alary Aslar

Frederica Alary Aslar

 Registered Name:
Frederica Alary Aslar
 Breeder: Daniela Cahova
 Owner: Simona Drabkova
 Kennel: Alary Aslar
 Sire: Grant di Villa Conte
 Dam: Bon Jour Alary Aslar
 Working Titles: ZZO, ZM, ZMT, ZVV1, ZPS1, FPr3,FH1, OBZ, LA1, DwD2, HtM3,F2,MD2. Master of Dogda
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth: 10 MAY 2007
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Czech_Republic
 Land of Standing: Czech_Republic
 Size: 64 cm (25.2 inch)
 Weight: 33 kg (72.75 pound)
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests: HDA, ED-O, Holter24 - neg,Å¡títná žláza - neg.
 Conform. Titles: CAC
 Known Offspring:
 Racing Name: Rika
Fair Play Alary Aslar
Flipper Alary Aslar
Florencia Alary Aslar
Flying Constance Alary Aslar
Freedom Alary Aslar

Frederica Alary Aslar

Grant di Villa Conte

Nitro del Rio Bianco

Nilo del Rio Bianco

Farah del Rio Bianco
Petra di Villa Conte

Graaf Vito v. Neerlands Stam
Morgana di Villa Conte

Bon Jour Alary Aslar

Kirk Kroy z Helfstyna

Questor Quid di Villa Castelli

Dakota v. Karpatia

Angie Alary Cerny Poklad

Lars Bobrava

Era ze Psoluky