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Ajax v.d. Essenburcht

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 Registered Name:
Ajax v.d. Essenburcht
 Sire: Carlo v. Rabenhaupt
 Dam: Pauline v.d. Boedhihoeve
 Working Titles:
 Sex: male
 Date of Birth: 29 MAY 1947
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: Netherlands
 Land of Standing:
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
NHSB 115718
Ajax v.d. Essenburcht

Carlo v. Rabenhaupt
Karlo v. Hagenstolz

Troll v.d. Engelsburg
Gonda v. Hagenstolz
Erle v. HagenstolzHelios v. Siegestor
Citti v. Hagenstolz
Pauline v.d. Boedhihoeve     Add Dog...     
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