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Mitzi of Lawnwood

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 Registered Name:
Mitzi of Lawnwood
 Sire: Carso of Lawnwood
 Dam: Lady Lazzar of Whitnal
 Working Titles:
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth:
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth: USA
 Land of Standing:
 Colour: Black
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
AKC SBA 417390
Mitzi of LawnwoodCarso of LawnwoodClaus of LawnwoodRollo v. Popp
Ima of Lawnwood
Ima of Lawnwood

Claus v. Sigalsburg
Adie v. Reyem
Lady Lazzar of WhitnalOchsner's Son of Big Boy

Big Boy of White Gate
Robinson's Miss Lou
Hard Luck Lassie

Mars v. Simmenau (-Rhinegold)
Robinson's Miss Lou