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Arno v.d. Burgstätte

Arno v.d. Burgstätte

 Registered Name:
Arno v.d. Burgstätte
 Breeder: Marco Cameli
 Owner: Miguel Angel Bori
 Kennel: v.d. Burgstaette
 Sire: Alfred v.d. Urftquelle
 Dam: Brista v.d. Doberwache
 Working Titles: IPO 3, VPG 3
 Sex: male
 Date of Birth: 30 JUL 1998
 Date of Death: 8 MAR 2009
 Land of Birth: Germany
 Land of Standing: Spain
 Colour: Brown
 Health Tests: HD-A
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
DZB 114979
ZTP SG 1B, koerung 2a, PHTVL-PHPV - frei
Addy v.d. Burgstätte
Asco v.d. Burgstätte

Arno v.d. Burgstätte

Alfred v.d. Urftquelle

Mannix v.d. Weyermühle

Adux v. Merkureck

Gina v.d. Weyermühle

Ohra v.d. Weyermühle

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Hera v.d. Weyermühle

Brista v.d. Doberwache

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Asko v.d. Weyermühle

Cora v.d. Mooreiche

Kleo v.d. Weyermühle

Amor v.d. Weyermühle

Gina v.d. Weyermühle