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Rolle of Bamby's Pride

no photo available

 Registered Name:
Rolle of Bamby's Pride
 Sire: Ero v. Eichenhain
 Dam: Janka of Bamby's Pride
 Working Titles:
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth:
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth:
 Land of Standing:
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
Rolle of Bamby's Pride

Ero v. Eichenhain

Andy v. Eichenhain

Jago v. Fürstenfeld

Hella v. Forell
Wilma v FürstenfeldBordo v. Fürstenfeld (1956)

Ina v. Fürstenfeld
Janka of Bamby's PrideKarellmar's MacGangsterPatton's Prince Quillo
Karellmar's Kolene
Pearl of Bamby's PrideKarellmar's Kembric
Flashburn's Pliad of Saratoga