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Hella v.d. Donken

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 Registered Name:
Hella v.d. Donken
 Sire: Django v.d. Donken
 Dam: Diana v.d. Donken
 Working Titles:
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth:
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth:
 Land of Standing:
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
LOSH 508572
Hella v.d. DonkenDjango v.d. DonkenAlfons (LOSH 377749)Sultan v.d. Westkant
Xefina v. Edele Brabant
Bessy v. RialfoLimo v.'t Zandbosch
Yris v. Rialfo
Diana v.d. DonkenYork v. Rialfo     Add Dog...
     Add Dog...
Brigit v.d. DonkenRox (NHSB 498407)
Asaline v.d. Donken