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Ultra v.d. Westkant

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 Registered Name:
Ultra v.d. Westkant
 Sire: Ming v.d. Westkant
 Dam: Reve v.d. Westkant
 Working Titles:
 Sex: female
 Date of Birth:
 Date of Death:
 Land of Birth:
 Land of Standing:
 Health Tests:
 Conform. Titles:
 Known Offspring:
 Registration Nr.:
LOSH 292628
Ultra v.d. WestkantMing v.d. WestkantGraaf Victor v. Neerlands Stam (NHSB 246780)Frijwaldo v. Thomasvaer

Gravin Roeanka v. Neerlands stam
Gravin Erna v. Blue BloodGraaf Ceasar v. Blue Blood
Gravin Undine v. Neerlands Stam (NHSB 235083)
Reve v.d. Westkant

Miko v. Fürstenfeld
Bordo v. Fürstenfeld (1956)

Citta v. Fürstenfeld
Nadine v.d. Westkant

Citto v. Fürstenfeld

Gravin Ursel v. Neerlands Stam (NHSB 235084)